Wednesday 13 April 2011

What This Is All About.

For My EPQ I wanted to explore a field of photography that is not commonly dissected and assessed. The use of Digital Photography now has nearly completely wiped out the original film photography process, its ease of use and lack of development has meant that it fits into peoples everyday life, it fits in so well that many don't even know that this process is being used. Digital Photography has helped many other mediums spring to life, the World Wide Web was established in 1991, in the early developments of this system in was a wash of Text and nothing more, but due to the rise in Digital Photography at the same time  the internet was then given the medium of images and photography to add dimension to the sites. Digital Photography works hand in hand with computers. The image that we capture with the digital camera is digitalised and then easily uploaded onto a computer.

To go with the Boom of Digital photography, Editing processes have also been developed, the use of Adobes Photoshop, PIKNIK and other such programs both software and internet based. What I would like to discover is how the new experimental Digital photography techniques compare with the predecessor of Film Photography, a method already famed for its brilliant Experimental Techniques. 

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